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- [87] As of 9 July 2016 [88] the reward amounted to 12.5 newly created bitcoins per block added to the blockchain.
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Related posts New Scam Coin "Bitcoin Revolution" Uses Top British Chef Jamie Oliver in Fake Crypto Promo New Scam Coin “Bitcoin Revolution” Uses Top British Chef Jamie Oliver in Fake Crypto Promo Scam Coin, “Bitcoin Revolution”, Uses Top British Chef, Jamie Oliver To Promote Their Cryptocurrency Scam Coin, “Bitcoin Revolution”, Uses Top British Chef, Jamie Oliver To Promote Their Cryptocurrency The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is yet facing another scam after reports of a digital currency named “ Bitcoin Revolution” using British chef and restaurateur, Jamie Oliver’s name and image to promote their useless token. In the end, blockchain technology is the real story, and the blockchain is here to stay — regardless of what happens to Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other bitcoin revolution anmelden virtual forms of payment.Buchen Sie jetzt Ihren VPN .. anruf deutschland schweiz
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