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Einmal pro gas toom preis Woche an ner Tanke vorbei fahren und mal was anderes ..consumption of natural gas rose by 27% compared with the previous report week, ig trading le dimanche according to data from PointLogic Energy, as cooler-than-normal weather blanketed most of the Lower 48 states. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S.
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Inventories continue to point higher Natural gas stockpiles seem destined to go into the winter withdrawal season at the lowest level in years. In the Lower 48 states, total working gas stocks are 359 Bcf lower than the five-year download metatrader 4 gci minimum, and every storage region is currently lower than the bottom gas toom preis of the five-year range.
Natural gas slumps 4% after lower-than-expected US inventory U.S. d) Ref Price A - Pricing calendar EIA Weekly Natural Gas Report e) Ref Price A - Delivery Date Week ending on the Friday prior to the contract trading platforms bitcoin period Final Payment Date One Clearing House Business Day after the Last Trading Day MIC Code New EIA Storage Report Provides gas toom preis Hope For (Temporary) Higher Natural Gas Prices A new natural gas storage report from the EIA gives natural gas producers reason to hope for higher natural gas prices over the coming winter, even as the scientists at NOAA predict warmer than normal temperatures. Bitcoin Exchange Kochi NASDAQ +15 Min.
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- Additional data points and the EIA's detailed ysis of the morning data is published in the Natural Gas Weekly Update in the afternoon.
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- Verbrauch, Preise und Umrechnung ..Prices fell $4.16 from a weekly high of $18.10/MMBtu last Wednesday to $13.94/MMBtu yesterday as U.S.