Other requirements Windows. Next, click the “FUND with Cryptocurrency or Utility Token” button.- casascius/Bitcoin-Address-Utility casascius/Bitcoin-Address-Utility You can’t perform that action at this time.
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The third argument is the output byte array. Utility Tokens.
Fast, easy, and not only a Multicurrency Wallet:It is so because ..using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.IO; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters; using Org.BouncyCastle.Security; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC; namespace Casascius.Bitcoin { public class Util { public static string PassphraseToPrivHex(string passphrase) { return ByteArrayToString(ComputeSha256(passphrase)); } public static string ByteArrayToBase58Check(byte[] ba) { byte[] bb = new byte[ba.Length + 4]; Array.Copy(ba, bb, ba.Length); Sha256Digest bcsha256a = new Sha256Digest(); bcsha256a.BlockUpdate(ba, 0, ba.Length); byte[] thehash = new byte[32]; bcsha256a.DoFinal(thehash, 0); bcsha256a.BlockUpdate(thehash, 0, 32); bcsha256a.DoFinal(thehash, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) bb[ba.Length + i] = thehash[i]; return Base58.FromByteArray(bb); } public static byte[] ValidateAndGetHexPublicKey(string PubHex) { byte[] hex = GetHexBytes(PubHex, 64); if (hex == null || hex.Length < 64 || hex.Length > 65) { throw new ApplicationException("Hex is not 64 or 65 bytes."); } // if leading 00, change it to 0x80 if (hex.Length == 65) { if (hex[0] == 0 || hex[0] == 4) { hex[0] = 4; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Not a valid public key"); } } // add 0x80 byte if not present if (hex.Length == 64) { byte[] hex2 = new byte[65]; Array.Copy(hex, 0, hex2, 1, 64); hex2[0] = 4; hex = hex2; } return hex; } public static byte[] ValidateAndGetHexPublicHash(string PubHash) { byte[] hex = GetHexBytes(PubHash, 20); if (hex == null || hex.Length != 20) { throw new ApplicationException("Hex is not 20 bytes."); } return hex; } public static byte[] ValidateAndGetHexPrivateKey(byte leadingbyte, string PrivHex, int desiredByteCount) { if (desiredByteCount != 32 && desiredByteCount != 33) throw new ApplicationException("desiredByteCount must be 32 or 33"); byte[] hex = GetHexBytes(PrivHex, 32); if (hex == null || hex.Length < 32 || hex.Length > 33) { throw new ApplicationException("Hex is not 32 or 33 bytes."); } // if leading 00, change it to 0x80 if (hex.Length == 33) { if (hex[0] == 0 || hex[0] == 0x80) { hex[0] = 0x80; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Not a valid private key"); } } // add 0x80 byte if not present if (hex.Length == 32 && desiredByteCount==33) { byte[] hex2 = new byte[33]; Array.Copy(hex, 0, hex2, 1, 32); hex2[0] = 0x80; hex = hex2; } if (desiredByteCount==33) hex[0] = leadingbyte; if (desiredByteCount == 32 && hex.Length == 33) { byte[] hex2 = new byte[33]; Array.Copy(hex, 1, hex2, 0, 32); hex = hex2; } return hex; } ///
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- How do I order a two-factor physical bitcoin?
- A two-factor physical bitcoin is a piece that has requires two pieces of information to be redeemed, each of which has been created independently by unrelated parties, and both of which are required to spend the funds. A two-factor Casascius Physical Bitcoin is laser-engraved on its face with the URL "casascius.com/2factor" and has part of the key material embedded by Casascius, and the other part is typically a passphrase chosen by the person who bought the piece. In order to redeem the funds on the piece, both the embedded key and the secondary passphrase must be known.
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- If (gotFirstChar) { bytes.Add(accum); accum = 0; gotFirstChar = false; } } else if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) { // get the character's value byte v = (byte)(c - 0x30); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') v = (byte)(c + 0x0a - 'A'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') v = (byte)(c + 0x0a - 'a'); if (gotFirstChar == false) { gotFirstChar = true; accum = v; } else { accum <<= 4; accum += v; bytes.Add(accum); accum = 0; gotFirstChar = false; } } else { if (testingForValidHex) return null; } } if (gotFirstChar) bytes.Add(accum); return bytes.ToArray(); } public static string PrivHexToPubHex(string PrivHex) { var ps = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1"); return PrivHexToPubHex(PrivHex, ps.G); } public static string PrivHexToPubHex(string PrivHex, ECPoint point) { byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPrivateKey(0x00, PrivHex, 33); if (hex == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid private hex key"); Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(hex); ECPoint dd = point.Multiply(Db); byte[] pubaddr = PubKeyToByteArray(dd); return ByteArrayToString(pubaddr); } public static ECPoint PrivHexToPubKey(string PrivHex) { byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPrivateKey(0x00, PrivHex, 33); if (hex == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid private hex key"); Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(1, hex); var ps = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1"); return ps.G.Multiply(Db); } public static ECPoint PrivKeyToPubKey(byte[] PrivKey) { if (PrivKey == null || PrivKey.Length > 32) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid private hex key"); Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger Db = new Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger(1, PrivKey); var ps = Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Sec.SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256k1"); return ps.G.Multiply(Db); } public static byte[] PubKeyToByteArray(ECPoint point) { byte[] pubaddr = new byte[65]; byte[] Y = point.Y.ToBigInteger().ToByteArray(); Array.Copy(Y, 0, pubaddr, 64 - Y.Length + 1, Y.Length); byte[] X = point.X.ToBigInteger().ToByteArray(); Array.Copy(X, 0, pubaddr, 32 - X.Length + 1, X.Length); pubaddr[0] = 4; return pubaddr; } public static string PubHexToPubHash(string PubHex) { byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPublicKey(PubHex); if (hex == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid public hex key"); return PubHexToPubHash(hex); } public static string PubHexToPubHash(byte[] PubHex) { byte[] shaofpubkey = ComputeSha256(PubHex); RIPEMD160 rip = System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160.Create(); byte[] ripofpubkey = rip.ComputeHash(shaofpubkey); return ByteArrayToString(ripofpubkey); } public static string PubHashToAddress(string PubHash, string AddressType) { byte[] hex = ValidateAndGetHexPublicHash(PubHash); if (hex == null) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid public hex key"); byte[] hex2 = new byte[21]; Array.Copy(hex, 0, hex2, 1, 20); int cointype = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(AddressType, out cointype) == false) cointype = 0; if (AddressType == "Testnet") cointype = 111; if (AddressType == "Namecoin") cointype = 52; if (AddressType == "Litecoin") cointype = 48; hex2[0] = (byte)(cointype & 0xff); return ByteArrayToBase58Check(hex2); } public static bool PassphraseTooSimple(string passphrase) { int Lowercase = 0, Uppercase = 0, Numbers = 0, Symbols = 0, Spaces = 0; foreach (char c in passphrase.ToCharArray()) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { Lowercase++; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { Uppercase++; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { Numbers++; } else if (c == ' ') { Spaces++; } else { Symbols++; } } // let mini private keys through - they won't contain words, they are nonsense characters, so their entropy is a bit better per character if (MinPair.IsValidMin(passphrase) != 1) return false; if (passphrase.Length < 30 && (Lowercase < 10 || Uppercase < 3 || Numbers < 2 || Symbols < 2)) { return true; } return false; } public static byte[] ComputeSha256(string ofwhat) { UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false); return ComputeSha256(utf8.GetBytes(ofwhat)); } public static byte[] ComputeSha256(byte[] ofwhat) { Sha256Digest sha256 = new Sha256Digest(); sha256.BlockUpdate(ofwhat, 0, ofwhat.Length); byte[] rv = new byte[32]; sha256.DoFinal(rv, 0); return rv; } public static byte[] ComputeDoubleSha256(string ofwhat) { UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false); return ComputeDoubleSha256(utf8.GetBytes(ofwhat)); } public static byte[] ComputeDoubleSha256(byte[] ofwhat) { Sha256Digest sha256 = new Sha256Digest(); sha256.BlockUpdate(ofwhat, 0, ofwhat.Length); byte[] rv = new byte[32]; sha256.DoFinal(rv, 0); sha256.BlockUpdate(rv, 0, rv.Length); sha256.DoFinal(rv, 0); return rv; } public static Int64 nonce = 0; public static byte[] Force32Bytes(byte[] inbytes) { if (inbytes.Length == 32) return inbytes; byte[] rv = new byte[32]; if (inbytes.Length > 32) { Array.Copy(inbytes, inbytes.Length - 32, rv, 0, 32); } else { Array.Copy(inbytes, 0, rv, 32 - inbytes.Length, inbytes.Length); } return rv; } ///
/// Extension for cloning a byte array /// public static byte[] CloneByteArray(byte[] ba) { if (ba == null) return null; byte[] copy = new byte[ba.Length]; Array.Copy(ba, copy, ba.Length); return copy; } ////// Extension for cloning a portion of a byte array /// public static byte[] CloneByteArray(byte[] ba, int offset, int length) { if (ba == null) return null; byte[] copy = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(ba, offset, copy, 0, length); return copy; } public static byte[] ConcatenateByteArrays(params byte[][] bytearrays) { int totalLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytearrays.Length; i++) totalLength += bytearrays[i].Length; byte[] rv = new byte[totalLength]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bytearrays.Length; i++) { Array.Copy(bytearrays[i], 0, rv, idx, bytearrays[i].Length); idx += bytearrays[i].Length; } return rv; } } } Back to Top Bitcoin Address Utility I made (Visual C#, Source Only) Bitcoin Address Utility I made (Visual C#, Source Only) bitcoin, forum, bitcoin forum, bitcointalk Bitcoin Address Utility I made (Visual C#, Source Only) 1] Author Topic: - Choosing Between ICO Coins What are Security Tokens?
- Cryptographic methods in Python work with a “bytes” class, taking it as input and returning it as the result.
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We define a constant SHA256-DIGEST-LEN which is ogous to the Similarly, here’s a definition for a Racket ripemd160 function:(string) The bitcoin address validated "scriptPubKey" :How To Select A Bitcoin Wallet: Bitcoin Address from Public bitcoin address utility windows Key.Bitcoin addresses are generally db etf short random… .. NVIDIA software solutions include drivers for GeForce GPUs, professional content creation, design visualization, and high performance computing.