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The important thing to realize is if you're dealing with option to essentially make the same bet, that the bet that the company will go up, you're just putting leverage on your bet.des Optionsscheins durch Ausübung der Option kaufen (Call) bzw. Online Trading For Religare We multiplied our gain.

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  2. Derivate sind synthetische Finanzinstrumente, die von einer sogenannten Basisanlage (z.B.According to a recent decision from the European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA, binary options are banned in the EU when it comes to marketing, ..
  3. Wenn ein Anleger der Meinung war, dass die Tulpen an Wert steigen, so hat er mit dem ..
  4. The term "call" comes from the fact that the owner has the right to "call the stock away" from the seller.Verlängerungsoption bedeutet, dass der Mieter vor Ablauf der vereinbarten ..
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  7. In this way the buyer of the put will receive at least the strike price specified, even if the asset is currently worthless.