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Presidency College, Top PU and Degree College in Bangalore, India Referred to here as MCXS) and futures (MCXCOMDEX/MCXF) price indices maintained by the MCX (daily closing values); (ii) Index values of the agricultural-commodity spot (MCXSAGRI/ MCXSA) and futures (MCXAGRI/MCXFA) price indices maintained by the MCX (daily closing values); (iii) Index values of the agricultural-commodity spot (NCDEXAGRI) and futures (FUTEXAGRI) price indices maintained by the NCDEX (daily closing values); (iv) Index values of the multi-commodity spot (DJAIGSP) and futures (DJAIGCI) indices maintained by the Dow Jones (daily closing values); futures (CCI) indices maintained by the Reuters-Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) (month end values); (v) Daily closing values of the 50 share NSE S&P CNX Nifty Index (Nifty) traded on the National Stock Exchange of India. Fussboden Handel 24 Gutschein

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